Google io
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Google I/O innovate in the open consensus model… not monopolization Client — Connectivity — Cloud ——————————— mainframe –> pc —> web power –> weak –> power easy deploy —> hard deploy —> easy deploy.
Just another WordPress site
Google I/O innovate in the open consensus model… not monopolization Client — Connectivity — Cloud ——————————— mainframe –> pc —> web power –> weak –> power easy deploy —> hard deploy —> easy deploy.
Excellent discussion of efficient markets theory and related investment approaches from two of the most respected academics in the field Eugene Fama Ken French
A remarkable essay, if increasingly outlandish as he marches the reader inexorably towards the ‘singularity’. From extensive modeling of the historical data he develops a pretty compelling demonstration of the accuracy of what he terms…
21 moral/ethical ways to do business better…
Steve Holden (chair of many pycons and the PSF) has always wanted to learn twisted. He’s an experienced trainer, but in this session the roles are reversed. Holden’s the learner, but he’s still standing at…
very good talk including guy from revolver and a bunch of Microsoft guys and Mark Hammond who’s the brains behind all the win32com features.
so far had I’ve had no chance to check out open spaces due to the full presentations schedule. open spaces needs a web presence so that people can check them out from–you guessed it—their ever…